Our Ministry Framework
As a network, Regional Church of Lancaster County is a servant organization to the Church in the region as a whole. Within RCOLC, our ministry framework calls for shared leadership in each context where leaders link and gather in partnership as we work toward our shared vision. In each context, discernment, strategy, communication, and implementation are important.
Our discernment aims to recognize where God is at work in order to join divine initiatives while at the same time to receive God’s direction and respond with human initiatives. In both types of discernment we celebrate our discoveries of the will of God with obedience.
In this manner, the Executive Team facilitates, coordinates, and oversees the cooperative endeavors within and among networks with a common interest and common vision. (See diagram)
· Regional Church Forum
· Roundtables for Transformation
o Roundtable for Transformation of Families
o Roundtable for Transformation of Church Vitality
o Roundtable for Transformation of Church Collaboration
o Roundtable for Transformation of Government
o Roundtable for Transformation of Healthcare
o Roundtable for Transformation of Education
o Roundtable for Transformation of Marketplace
o Roundtable for Transformation of Media
o Roundtable for Transformation of the Arts & Entertainment
· Neighboring regional networks
· National Cooperative networks
The Regional Church Forum is comprised of leaders (or representatives) of various cooperative endeavors throughout the region. Their vision and service embody one or more of the four dimensions of our mission: Pray, Witness, Love, and Project. They convene two times per year to strengthen relationships, share testimonies, consider matters of mutual interest, and to discern and strategize matters of shared vision.
A Roundtable for Transformation calls together representative leaders from one or more sectors of society to envision how God is at work, or is directing us to be at work, to influence our region toward transformation. We recognize seven primary spheres of influence in culture and society. At a roundtable, these leaders share and develop common vision and discern how they may best implement that vision in concert with one another in their sphere of influence.
Neighboring Regional Networks are similar endeavors for spiritual and social transformation in the surrounding geographical areas. We interact with leaders from those settings to share common interests, share resources with one another, and engage in joint projects. Examples include the publication of devotionals, prayer events, and seminars.
National Cooperative Networks are contexts in which we can learn from other similar endeavors and participate in national and international cooperative endeavors. We welcome such associations as may be naturally linked to leaders within our region through their wider networks.
Spiritual Advisors are respected leaders beyond our region from whom we are committed to receive counsel concerning spiritual and societal transformation. They also provide accountability, and outside perspective and biblical mediation should there be a need to resolve relational matters or conflicts within our Ministry Framework.
Many Partnerships; One Mission