Monthly Communication Meetings: What’s Your Story?
Every 4th Monday of Each Month from 7:00pm-9:00pm
A large part of the vision of REACH is facilitating space for communication within the body of Christ in our county. Each of us is a carrier of the story of the Holy Spirit’s work around us. When we communicate these stories others are encouraged, inspired, challenged, and strengthened through the power of our testimony.
One way we will be facilitating that communication is to have a monthly meeting for sharing. This monthly meeting is designed to create a platform to share and hear what God is doing in Lancaster County and to ignite and unite our hearts by what is happening. More ways to share your story with the community are in the making and you will be hearing more about them soon. We would love for you to join us as we continue to further shape what God is calling us to, for His glory!
Annual Events:
Strengthening Existing Ministries and Inspiring New Initiatives
In the Spring we will gather for the sake of casting vision and looking at ways for NEW INITIATIVES to grow. In the Fall we will gather around celebrating, strengthening, encouraging, and supporting each other in EXISTING MINISTRIES. More details of these events will be sent out in our Newsletters.